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1am Angelina Charlotte Hui: The Right Ear
2am Between The Margins
3am Nadia El Sherbini Interviews: Ghislane Jalbert on New Forms of Slavery in Our World
4am Salma Hashem: an Egyptian Canadian on the Egyptian Revolution
5am Melanie Gall of London Fringe Festival & Nadia's short story "The Face"
6am Nicole Markham: The Yoni Hour
7am Lorian Leong
8am Magdelena
9am Katherine Madonia
10am Ashley B.
11am Ashley B.
12pm Ashley D. wsg. Ashley B
1pm Ashley D. wsg. Madison Violet
2pm Vday Western Interviewed
2:30pm Western on Earth w/ Jessica He
3pm Pamela
4pm Nadia El Sherbini Interviews: Mona Latif Ghattas Egyptian-Canadian artist in Montreal
5pm Holly Painter of London Poetry Slam
5:30pm Women's Shelter Interview w/ Angelina
6pm Amani Obed: Women & Islam
7pm Amsa Yaro
8pm Sarah Kirshin and Lili Dang
9pm Sarah Kirshin and Lili Dang
10pm Jill Clair
11pm Jill Clair
♀ Today is the 22nd anniversary of the Montreal Massacre. It is also the National Day of Action and Remembrance in Canada. Remembering this horrific event has become the basis of recognizing and supporting action against widespread violence committed against women in our society.
♀ CHRW Campus Community Radio is now broadcasting the annual All Women's Voices Day of 24 hour programming! From midnight to midnight on 94.9FM you can hear all female radio content to honour of the 14 womyn slain and others affected by The Montreal Massacre in 1989. Today we are raising awareness of ending violence towards women.
♀ Today’s schedule offers live performances of poetry and music, your favourite female DJ's of CHRW, and an array of live and pre recorded interviews! You can always stream live and download the archives at Spread the word about today’s broadcast and enjoy this on air time brought to you by CHRW Radio and local women broadcasting for peace.
♀ On our programming schedule, you can find a lot of exciting, passionate and diverse content. Tune into Between the Margins for trans-issues, an environmental program produced by Western On Earth, The Yoni Hour to celebrate the female body, mind and spirit as well as an hour special on Women & Islam!
♀ Hear live interviews from Holly Painter of London Poetry Slam at 5pm, musical duo Madison Violet at 1:30pm and also hear from some of the womyn from VDay Western when they come into the studio for 2pm! The campus and community also has the chance to hear pre-recorded interviews from the London Women’s Shelter, from Melanie Gall of the London Fringe Festival, Mona Latif Ghattas (an Egyptian-Canadian artist in Montreal), and more!
♀ Keep it locked at 94.9FM for hours of campus community radio excellence by your favourite CHRW female DJ’s. CHRW 94.9FM is a volunteer fuelled station that many talented women in broadcasting call home.
♀ One of every three women in the world will personally experience physical or sexual violence. –United Nations Report
♀ V-Day is a global movement to end violence against women and girls that raises funds and awareness through benefit productions of Playwright/Founder Eve Ensler’s award winning play The Vagina Monologues and other artistic works.
♀ To date, the V-Day movement has raised over $70 million and educated millions about the issue of violence against women and the efforts to end it.
♀ Over the past nine years, V-Day Western campaign, through its annual productions and numerous fundraising events, has successfully raised over $90, 000 for local non-violence agencies.
♀ This evening at APK Live, VDay Western hosts Eat Up, Act Out: a three course meal with live entertainment event to raise money for women in our community.
White Ribbon Campaign - NOV. 25 – DEC. 6th -
What is the White Ribbon Campaign (WRC)?
The White Ribbon Campaign (WRC) is the largest effort in the world of men working to end violence against women (VAW). In over fifty-five countries, campaigns are led by both men and women, even though the focus is on educating men and boys. In some countries it is a general public education effort focused on ending violence against women.
How did the WRC get started?
In 1991, a handful of men in Canada decided they had a responsibility to urge men to speak out about violence against women. Wearing a white ribbon would be a symbol of men's opposition to violence against women. With only six weeks of preparation, 100,000 men across Canada wore a white ribbon, while many others were drawn into discussion and debate.
What does it mean to wear a white ribbon?
Wearing a white ribbon is a personal pledge to never commit, condone or remain silent about violence against women and girls. Wearing a white ribbon is a way of saying, “Our future has no violence against women.”
What forms of violence against women concern you?
The most widespread problems are physical violence against spouses and girlfriends (from hitting right up to murder) and sexual violence (usually committed by a boyfriend, husband, trusted adult, or family member.) There is also emotional abuse -- sexual harassment at work or on the street, stalking, jokes that demean women, and controlling behavior. In some countries violence occurs in the form of genital mutilation of girls and trafficking of girls and young women into prostitution.
♀ The term ecofeminism was first used by French radical feminist Françoise d'Eaubonne (b. 1920) in 1974 to synthesize two movements previously thought of as separate: ecology and feminism. D'Eaubonne saw clear interconnections between the domination of women and that of nature, and she hoped, by making these interconnections explicit, to rescue the planet from the destructive effects of "the male system" and restore it for the benefit of humanity's future.
The Montréal Massacre of December 6, 1989
♀ 14women students at the École Polytechnique were systematically killed
♀ 13 other students wounded
♀ Since the beginning of Québec's "Quiet Revolution" in the 1960s, women had been making increasing strides in non-traditional occupations and educational programs. In the 1970s and 1980s, growing numbers flocked to the École Polytechnique, the School of Engineering at the University of Montréal.
Gunman massacres 14 women: CBC Official Report
Broadcast Date: Dec. 6, 1989
“A gunman confronts 60 engineering students during their class at l'École Polytechnique in Montreal on Dec. 6, 1989. He separates the men from the women and tells the men to leave the classroom, threatening them with his .22-calibre rifle. The enraged man begins a shooting rampage that spreads to three floors and several classrooms, jumping from desk to desk while female students cower below. He roams the corridors yelling, "I want women."
Before opening fire in the engineering class, he calls the women "une gang de féministes" and says "J'haïs les féministes [I hate feminists]." One person pleads that they are not feminists, just students taking engineering. But the gunman doesn't listen. He shoots the women and then kills himself. Parents of the Polytechnique students wait outside the school crying and wonder if their daughters are among the 14 dead tonight. “
Link to CBC Digital Archive:
♀ Since 1989, December 6 has been officially designated a national day of commemoration. Over the years, debate has raged as to whether the slaughter was an isolated act, or a symbol of male violence against women. It was certainly an act of mass murder unprecedented in Canadian history. Today on 94.9FM CHRW we celebrate All Women’s Voices Day and recognize our passed sisters with honour in the form of 24 hour female programming, Thank you very much for listening to our voices.
Ending violence against women on campus
December 1, 2011
The federal government has announced a new initiative aiming to make university and college campuses safer for women.
On Friday, the Ministry for the Status of Women announced that until January 27, 2012, they would be accepting proposals for projects that seek to end violence against women on university and college campuses. The ministry will provide up to $200,000 per project, with no set limit on the amount of projects it will fund.Though she thought the program was a positive step in the effort to stop violence against women, Adrienne Berchtold, V-Day Western producer, thought the government wasn’t doing enough.“I think it’s kind of a poor consolation for the tax cuts that have been seen across the board for services addressing women’s issues under the Harper government,” she said, citing cuts to services like sexual assault centres and women’s shelters. “…maybe some other women’s groups on campus can come together and collaborate on a proposal that will be really beneficial for the entire campus.”
According to Berchtold, 1 in 4 Canadian women are victims of sexual assault in their lifetime. She also noted more than half of all sexual assaults occur in commercial or institutional establishments like universities.
Bonnie MacLachlan, president of Western’s Caucus on Women’s Issues, said she hoped some of the funds could be put to use at Western to set up a sexual assault centre on campus.
But regardless of how the money is spent, Berchtold said the funds are necessary. “Everyone can say that they know someone who has been somehow either a victim or survivor of sexual assault,” she said. “It comes in a variety of forms, and it’s pretty pervasive within the student culture, I would say, especially the bar culture. And so I feel like that’s a good place to start looking at proposals to get going for projects on campus.”
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